
Monday 8 April 2013

Hoen Kwe & Cream-Style Sweet Corn (Sweet Corn Custard) 玉米糕

Hoen Kwe & Cream-Style Sweet Corn (Sweet Corn Custard) 玉米糕

Recipe Source :  Ellice Handy's recipes featured in "Female Cookbook" 


1/2 cup green pea flour (Hoen Kwe flour)
3 1/2 cups coconut milk ( squeeze from 1 grated coconut )
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup cream-style sweet corn
a pinch of salt

I used this brand of flour

Cream-style sweet corn


1.  In a saucepan mix coconut milk, Hoen kwe flour, sugar and salt until smooth.
2.  Cook over a low heat, stirring until the mixture thickens and boils and begins to shine.
3.  Add the cup of sweet corn, stir well and pour mixture into a square tin, which is not too deep.
4.  When mixture has set, refrigerate for about half an hour before cutting into squares or rectangular pieces.

Waiting for the custard to set

  A great tasting dessert.

I am submitting this post to Esther of Copycake Kitchen


This event is linked to Little Thumbs Up  organised by Zoe of Bake For Happy Kids and Doreen of  My Little Favourite DIY


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Doris, this is a new dessert to Me!!! Looks yummy and good for hot weather :)

    1. Hi Esther, those who have a sweet tooth will like this custard.

  3. Hi Doris,

    I remember making these with my grandma when I was young. We love wrapping these in banana leaves and they are really really really good and soothing to eat on hot hot hot days when they are very well chilled... Seeing yours reminds me a lot of my good old days.


    1. Hi Zoe,

      I prefer them at room temperature. Too much cold food and drinks is bad for the stomach.

  4. I made these as well... yours looks great with the cream corn...

  5. i think i know what is wrong with my pudding , i did not cook until it boils, and it wont harden now , how can i safe it , please help ! can i reboil it or bake or steam ?

    1. Basically you need to let it come to a boil and allow much of the water to evaporate then only it will thicken. I don't think the steaming will help but the reboiling might help.

  6. 3 Researches SHOW Why Coconut Oil Kills Belly Fat.

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