
Sunday 27 October 2013

Fish and Pork Ball Soup 鸳鸯鱼丸汤

Fish and Pork Ball Soup 鸳鸯鱼丸汤

Recipe source :  Doris Choo

When I first started working I was posted to a small town. In fact it was not even a town, it was a small fishing village near the coast. Life was peaceful and quiet in the fishing village. I was lucky to have rented a room where the landlady cooked for the tenants as well. Luckier still, she was a wonderful seamstress and a great cook!

After work each day, my hobby then was to watch her prepare and cook dinner as we chatted on the day's events. That was a long time ago. 

This was one of the dishes she used to make and I just love it. 


300g fish paste
100g minced pork
20g tung-choi (chopped into smaller pieces)
200g choy-sam
500ml chicken stock 
500ml water 
1 egg, beaten
1/2 piece seaweed, tear into small pieces
1 tsp salt, or to taste



Laver or seaweed


1.  Mixed fish paste with minced pork.
2.  Add in the tung-choi and beaten egg
3.  Wet your palms and form the mixture into balls and drop into a bowl of cold water.
4.  Heat chicken stock and water in a medium-sized pot and bring to a boil.
5.  Add choy sum and the mixed meat balls (minus the water in the bowl) into the soup.
6.  The meat balls will sink to the bottom of the pot and when they float to the surface they are cooked.
7.  Add in seaweed and salt to taste.


  1. watching your landlady cooks maybe one activity that you were looking forward to do every day then..i do prepare this kind of quick soup for dinner at times..but no sawi and no chicken stock. Just crack an egg and add some tofu..:)

  2. Thanks Lena, Tofu and eggs are good possibilities for quick soups!
