This steamed stingray dish is very appetising. The cherry tomatoes lent a sourish flavour to the hot chilli padi and the savoury bean paste. This goes very well with rice. It is simple to prepare for everyday meal and steaming food is by far the easiest method of cooking, almost effortless.
You can place the fish onto a shallow plate and just steam it as it is without the aluminium foil.
Personally, I prefer packaging it in aluminium foil as all the flavours and goodness are all encased in the aluminium foil during the steaming process.
I love the burst of aroma and flavour when the aluminium foil is opened.
Ingredients :
500g stingray
2 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp ginger strips
2 tbsp fermented soy bean
4 bird's eye chili
2 stalks spring onion
100g cherry tomatoes, cut into halves
100g cherry tomatoes, cut into halves
1 piece of aluminium foil, 45 cm x 45 cm
1. Wash the stingray and pat dry with a kitchen towel. Set it aside
2. Roughly chop up the fermented soy bean and mix them with the chopped garlic, chillies and ginger strips.
3. Trim and wash the spring onion. Cut the white parts of
the spring onion into 4 cm sections and slice the green parts into small
4. Spread the fermented soy bean mixture evenly over the piece of stingray.
5. Place the stingray onto the piece of prepared aluminium foil.
6. Place the white parts of the spring onions on top of the stingray.
7. Arrange the cherry tomato halves on top and around the stingray.
8. Wrap up the aluminium foil and secure the edges.
9. Steam over boiling water for about 30 minutes or until the fish is done.
10. Unwrap the aluminium foil and sprinkle with the sliced spring onion to garnish.