Wednesday 9 January 2013

Cantonese Fishball soup Noodle and Yong Tau Foo Stall 鱼丸粉与酿豆腐档

Cantonese Fishball soup Noodle and Yong Tau Foo Stall 鱼丸粉与酿豆腐档

On the left is a bowl of fishball soup noodle.          On the right is a bowl of yong tau foo

There are differences between fishball soup noodle sold by Cantonese and Teochew people. Well, to begin with, the Teochew version has a clearer soup and is simpler and it maintains the original flavour whereas the Cantonese version has more ingredients added to it to give it a stronger taste. It depends on what you look forward to in your bowl of fishball soup noodle, a stronger but murkier soup or a clearer and lighter soup.

The stall is along the lane at the side of the Wisma Ho Wah Genting fronting Jalan Maharajalela/Birch Road. It is the last one on the left.

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