Wednesday 3 October 2012

Grilled Pork ( Char Siew In Cantonese ) 叉烧

Grilled Pork ( Char Siew In Cantonese )叉烧




600g pork

Marinade ingredients

2 tsp salt
2 tbsp shao hsing wine
100g sugar
1/2 a piece of Shanghai nam yee
1 Chinese soup spoon of oyster sauce
1 Chinese soup spoon of black soy sauce
Add 2 Chinese soup spoon of water into the ingredients above and stir thoroughly


1.  Wash and slice pork into thin strips of about an inch thick.
2.  In a mixing bowl, add all the ingredients and mix thoroughly
3.  Add the pork into the mixing bowl and mix it well and let it marinate for two hours, turning it every 1/2 an hour
4.  Pre-heat oven at 200 degree Celsius
5.  Line a baking tray with aluminium foil. Place a rack over the aluminium-wrapped baking tray 
6.  Place the marinated pork pieces onto the rack. Do not pour away the marinade.  You will need it for basting later.
7.  Grill  for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, use the marinade to baste the pork pieces
8.  Turn over and grill the other side for another 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, baste them again
9.   Increase the oven temperature to 230 degree Celsius. 
10. Grill for a further 10 minutes and baste again with all the marinade that is left. 
11. Grill for another 10 minutes. The edges of the char siew should be slightly charred
12.  The sauce collected at the bottom of the baking tray can be used to pour over the chopped char siew 

Note :  Test the sauce first before using because sometimes when over-heated the sauce becomes bitter. It should be sweet

The marinated pork pieces

The char siew just after grilling

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